Guia do Titã Avalon Hero Wars Alliance wallpaper

Titan Brustar Guide Hero Wars

  • By: Alexandre Domingos. .
Main Attributes
Position: Front Line
Function: Tank
Main Element: Darkness
How to get Soul Stones: Events, Summoning sphere
Synergy: Mort, Keros
Tier List 2024
Titan Tier List: S+
Dungeon Tier List: A

Mastering Brustar: A Guide to Harnessing the Power of Darkness


Welcome, heroes, to our comprehensive guide on utilizing Brustar, the formidable embodiment of darkness, in Hero Wars Alliance. With his unparalleled ability to absorb and reflect enemy attacks, Brustar stands as a stalwart defender on the front lines, shielding his allies and turning the tide of battle. In this guide, we will delve into Brustar's unique capabilities and provide strategies for maximizing his potential in combat.

Understanding Brustar's Abilities:

Brustar's strength lies in his ability to absorb enemy attacks and retaliate with devastating force. His key abilities include:

  1. Absorption: Brustar can absorb all types of damage, making him an exceptional tank against fire, water, earth, and even Light titans.
  2. Artifact Enhancement: With his artifacts, Brustar can weaken earth, water, and fire titans, amplifying damage dealt and reducing their defenses. This ability is particularly effective against these elements, providing a significant advantage in battle.
  3. Wormhole Shield: Brustar's signature skill, Wormhole, deploys a temporary shield that absorbs incoming damage. Moreover, it deals damage back to the attacker based on Brustar's physical attack, turning enemy assaults into opportunities for counterattacks.

Strategy for Using Brustar:

To harness Brustar's full potential, consider the following strategies:

  1. Frontline Tank: Position Brustar at the front lines to absorb incoming damage and protect your team from harm. His ability to withstand attacks from various elemental titans makes him an invaluable asset in any battle scenario.
  2. Elemental Weakness Exploitation: Utilize Brustar's artifact abilities to exploit the weaknesses of earth, water, and fire titans. By weakening their defenses and amplifying damage, Brustar can swiftly turn the tide of battle in your favor.
  3. Counterattack Tactics: Leverage Brustar's Wormhole Shield skill to not only protect allies but also to retaliate against enemies. When facing formidable foes, activate Wormhole to absorb their attacks and unleash devastating counterattacks, further tipping the scales in your favor.
  4. Team Synergy: Pair Brustar with heroes who complement his abilities, such as healers who can sustain him during prolonged battles or damage dealers who can capitalize on weakened enemies.

An Analysis: Titan Brustar in Dungeon Battles

In Dungeon battles, Brustar shines as an exceptional tank, particularly catering to beginner players who may not have their earth, water, and fire titan artifacts at maximum level yet. Here's a breakdown of why Brustar excels in this context:

  1. Tank Capabilities: Brustar's innate ability to absorb all types of damage makes him an ideal choice for tanking in Dungeon battles. His resilience allows him to endure enemy assaults and protect the rest of the team from harm.
  2. Elemental Weakness Compensation: In Dungeon battles, elemental weaknesses play a crucial role in determining the effectiveness of attacks and defenses. Brustar's utility becomes apparent as he compensates for the lack of optimized earth, water, and fire titan artifacts. His versatility in absorbing damage from various elemental sources ensures that the team remains protected even without specialized artifacts.
  3. Accessibility for Beginners: For beginner players who are still in the process of leveling up their titan artifacts, Brustar offers a reliable solution. His effectiveness as a dungeon tank provides a solid foundation for players to progress through dungeon challenges without being hindered by the limitations of their artifact levels.

Overall, in the context of Dungeon battles, Brustar emerges as a valuable asset for beginner players, offering dependable tanking capabilities and compensating for elemental weaknesses until they can fully optimize their titan artifacts.

What are Brustar Positive and Negative Points

Brustar Positive Points

  • Shield Absorbs all types of Damage
  • Strong against Earth, Water and Fire Elements
  • Strong against Araji

Brustar Negative Points

  • Not Found

Brustar Evolution Priorities


When investing in Brustar's artifacts, it's essential to prioritize the Seal of Defense initially. By focusing on enhancing health and physical attack through this artifact, Brustar can fortify his resilience on the battlefield, ensuring he can withstand prolonged assaults from enemy titans.

Following the enhancement of the Seal of Defense, the next priority lies in upgrading Brustar's weapon. By doing so, not only does Brustar bolster his own defenses, but he also extends additional protection to the entire team against titans of earth, water, and fire. This strategic upgrade not only enhances Brustar's individual survivability but also strengthens the team's overall resilience against elemental threats.

Lastly, as the final step in artifact enhancement, it's crucial to ascend the Crown of Light. This ascension significantly boosts Brustar' defense and amplifies damage dealt specifically against the ancient titans of Earth, Fire, and Water. By empowering Brustar with the Crown of Light, ensures that he can effectively counter these formidable adversaries, turning the tide of battle in his favor.

Brustar Artifacts Priorities
Priorities Artifacts Stat Increase
1st Defense Seal Physical Attack +97500
Health +3975000
2nd (Weapon)
The Destroyers of Nephtis
Extra defense to Fire, Earth and Water Titans: +150000
3rd Crown of Light Damage +213000 and Defense +120600 Extra to Fire, Earth and Water Titans

Brustar Skins Priority

The standard skin for Brustar is more important because it provides health, and Brustar needs a lot of health to survive. Meanwhile, the Primordial skin grants physical attack, which improves Brustar's damage in battle.

Brustar skin priority
Priority Stats Skins
1st Healh +2267975 Default Skin
2nd Physical Attack +196800 Primordial Skin
Titan Brustar with default skin, Hero Wars.
Titan Brustar with default skin, Hero Wars.

Titan Brustarin Battles

Who Brustar is Strong Against

  • Nova, Moloch, Een, Amon, Araji, Hyperion

What are Titan Brustar Counters?

  • Solaris, Iyari, Amon

Titan Brustar Best Teams

Best Brustar Teams
# Titans
1 Mort, Amon, Solaris, Iyari, Brustar
2 Mort, Keros, Solaris, Iyari, Brustar
3 Keros, Amon, Solaris, Iyari, Brustar
4 Amon, Solaris, Hiperião, Iyari, Brustar
5 Solaris, Hiperião, Iyari, Angus, Brustar
6 Amon, Solaris, Hiperião, Iyari, Brustar

Brustar Guide Conclusion

In the realm of Hero Wars Alliance, Brustar emerges as a formidable force, embodying the very essence of darkness and resilience. By mastering his abilities and employing strategic tactics, you can unleash Brustar's full potential and lead your team to victory on the battlefield. So, rally your allies, hone your skills, and let Brustar pave the way to glory in the eternal struggle against darkness.

Video suggestion

Video: Brustar the Best Tank in Hero Wars.

Video: Brustar Counters Hero Wars.

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